Disinfection within the affected area as well as routine and final disinfection in livestock agriculture, including disinfection against African swine fever virus.
In September 2012, a test report by ZAO Klin-Cosmetica on the disinfecting activity of Sabisept M against the causative agent of African swine fever was validated by the National Scientific Institution “National Research and Development Centre of Veterinary Virology and Microbiology” of the Russian Agricultural Academy. In October 2012, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine” developed and approved instructions for use of Sabisept M disinfecting agent with a detergency effect at the facilities under state veterinary supervision, which reveals a wide range of its application areas for veterinary medicine.
at the Facilities under State Veterinary Supervision.
Sabisept M disinfecting agent has a strong virucidal effect and is recommended for use in the ASF-affected areas for the treatment of facilities under veterinary supervision in accordance with “Procedure of disinfection and disinvasion of the facilities under state veterinary supervision” approved on 07/16/2002 by the Veterinary Department of the Ministry of Agriculture, in order to inactivate the ASF virus completely and prevent its spreading.
Sabisept M is used for preventive and forced (routine and final) disinfection in the presence of people and animals (solutions of the agent at the recommended concentrations do not cause irritation in the upper respiratory tract, are not accumulated in the body and are free from a strong odor):
- Livestock, pig-breeding, fur-breeding, poultry-breeding premises, including hatcheries, technological equipment and inventory within them;
- Feed processing rooms, forage kitchens and other ancillary livestock facilities, technological equipment and inventory within them;
- Production facilities and technological equipment at meat and poultry processing enterprises, slaughterhouses at meat processing factories and slaughteries, dairy units at dairy farms and complexes, egg storage facilities, as well as containers for storage and transportation of feed and animal products;
- Automobile transport, railway carriages and other types of vehicles for the transportation of animals, primary produce and livestock products;
- Premises, equipment and inventory in places of animal congregation (animal trade markets, exhibitions);
- Veterinary institutions (hospitals, clinics, laboratories, vivariums, nurseries), equipment, inventory, tools and laboratory utensils within them;
- Decontamination of water for watering of animals and water supply systems;
- Surface treatment of rooms against mold fungi.
During the testing of Sabisept M agent the following additional useful consumer properties were established:
- Applicability in case of presence of people and animals (at the recommended concentrations, solutions of the agent do not cause irritation in the upper respiratory tract, are not accumulated in the body and are free from a strong odor);
- High bactericidal activity against hospital strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (H37RV);
- Low toxicity, no allergic reactions and irritating effects on the respiratory system, hand skin and mucous membranes of the personnel;
- Detergency properties of the agent (detergency power is 80%);
- High disinfecting activity against hospital strains of gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria;
- No fixing effect of the working solutions of the agent;
- No metal corrosion induced by solutions of the agent, easy cleaning of tools and laboratory utensils from biological impurities;
- Long-term applicability of working solutions of the agent;
- Deodorizing effect;
- No interaction of disinfectant solutions with surfaces and coatings, no traces left on them;
- Unchanged performance of the agent upon freezing and thawing (it can withstand temperature fluctuations of -30°C to +40°C);
- Cost-effectiveness of the agent.
The shelf life of the agent is 5 years if stored in unopened factory package, the shelf life of the working solutions is 14 days if stored in closed containers. The agent does not lose its performance upon freezing and thawing (it can withstand temperature fluctuations of -30°C to +40°C).